
Daniel - course participant Nov 2023

"I am sure you are looking for the 1% of 'what can we do better?' But I genuinly struggle to find abything, other than, can we build even longer together!!

I came thinking I was going to learn new skills, but I left a transformed human being!"

Fa - course participant Feb 2024

"I would like to say Thank You, from my heart to yours, for the most incredible adventure, learning and experiencing the process of natural building, a wonderful workshop that gives precious meaning for me today. 

Lola & Yuly, you are two incredible teachers, sharing knowledge with patience, attention, kindness and infinite love. And this is probably why everything feels really easy and familiar during the course. We don't even think if it's possible... we just do it ! And we do it with joy, with fun, allowing our inner child to play in the mud, is such an experience that I feel, reconnect many parts of ourselves. This experience brought me confidence and trust in a way that I can not go back and I'm willing to continue this journey on Natural building and feel excited about the infinite possibilities it offers ! 

This is what I want to do ! And I'm happy that I made this commitment that changed my life forever, tears are coming writting this, because I was searching for something to feel complete, and this is how I feel today.

Thank you for the authenticity, the truth, the happiness,the  precious of life and the magic of co creating together for a better world. "

Griet - course participant Feb 2023

"The course makes me feel empowered, able, enthusiastic and motivated to build.

More so, I want this to be my life! I remember saying in the opening circle that my dream is to build my own house. Now I feel like I would love to build anyone's house  :-)

Thank you for the energy that you brought, the willingness to share your knowledge and answer our endless questions and the trust you gave us!"

Jade - course participant Oct 2022

It was a fantastic experience overall – I came away with deep connections with strong, diverse, badass women, and invaluable life skills that I will cherish (and continue to build on!) for a long time.

There was so much to enjoy. Good conversations. Incredible food!! Building with mud!! Mediation with Yuly and others on cold, quiet mornings. Laughing 'til my belly hurt – by the fire, at the talent show.. I really loved the building process – I can't wait to get into it again!

Lucianna - Volunteer @ Lazuz

This experience was for me at so many levels wonderful and I’ll be forever grateful for this opportunity. I really love seeing women evolving unfolding discovering theirselves and their new (or very ancient) skills. 

I felt deeply inspired by Lola and Melo and the passion you guys put into sharing all you know so selfless, holding that really safe space for everyone to feel ok to try and even to mess it up. I also loved the way Yuly is always available and really coming out of her way just to help anyone who needs anything at any point. 

Thank you so much for putting so much effort and passion into what you guys do, to share it with amazing women, to help them helping themselves. 

Lacey - course participant Oct 2022

"Even after a month I’m still appreciating my experience. It really was so powerful and special for me to build with the earth in a group of women. It was fun, exciting, exhausting, healing, and beautiful. 

I really enjoyed the collective “team spirit” that was cultivated by the facilitators. It was amazing! I think the three of you work so well together and it really influenced the energy of the group. We were able to be so supportive and playful with each other. Such a great way to learn together. Getting to learn things hands on was really enjoyable for me also. The balance of theory and hands on was perfect for me."